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Home » Blog » Less is more: TikTok creators with mid-level reach are seeing more results for brand partnerships

Less is more: TikTok creators with mid-level reach are seeing more results for brand partnerships

Working with big influencers is no guarantee of great results. It may be better for your brand to think about creators with a medium reach (especially when we talk about TikTok).

Alessandro Alessio

Nov 8, 21 | 6 min read
tiktok creators brand partnerships
Reading time: 5 minutes
The concept of Influencer Marketing has changed over the years. During the era of television, the most common method was to use a celebrity’s image to serve as social proof for a product or brand.

This strategy was very successful at the time

because there was not much interactivity for the public to express themselves and, in addition, there was very little capacity to measure the impact of that celebrity on society.

Today, thanks to the possibilities of the digital world, we can use modern monitoring and analysis mechanisms to quantify influence, such as:

followers on social networks;
video views;
number of likes;
among other forms.
Marketers have several channels to use — each with their own numbers — if they want to benefit from an Influencer Marketing strategy.

A recent study by RealEyes found that palau email list 100000 contact leads brands that worked with creators with around 540,000 followers on TikTok received the highest levels of engagement compared to influencers with over 50 million followers.

This study is one of many that shows the main challenge of partnering with an influencer to reach our target audience :

It’s not about the size of a creator’s fan base, but rather the creator’s engagement with their audience and how a brand can speak to that audience through that influencer.

We can apply this not only to TikTok, but also to social media in general, especially audiovisual content platforms such as YouTube Gaming, Twitch and Facebook Gaming ( to learn more, read this article by Stream Hatchet ).

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Very interesting, isn’t it? Keep reading!

Your brand doesn’t need a superstar to achieve great results
One of the main changes in the way Influencer Marketing is done is that it is evolving from a unilateral way of speaking (TV, Film and Radio) to a dialogue format where both influencers and audiences are senders and receivers of the message.

It’s important to consider why smaller what is lead management and what are the steps to manage your contacts? influencers might work better for your brand.

Because mid-level influencers give their audience more voice and interaction opportunities, which creates a feeling of appreciation and trust.

But how does this affect Influencer Marketing and why should a brand consider promoting itself with a mid-level influencer instead of a mega-influencer?

Very simple: because your audience must believe and trust what you are trying to sell them .

So, below we will give you some good reasons why using mid-level influencers in your strategy can bring you better results.

Let’s see!

Quality over quantity
“ While reach is a relevant dimension, the data cz lists underscore that not all reach is of equal quality. This is especially true for attention and emotional engagement outcomes.