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Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

“Adapt Photo by your content to the platform. Make TikToks, Reals, Snaps, Shorts and stop making ads . Putting your current campaign on TikTok is boring. Videos now have a different structure than before. Play into what people are used to seeing.”, says Mike

In addition, focus on PR. Apple, Google, Tesla and ChatGPT are examples where this has worked well. Mike tells about a successful campaign: NK muisklikken for Logitech . The campaign has generated a lot of free publicity .

3. Use influencers
“Influencer is a dirty word. It’s a beautiful world, but you don’t see what’s behind it. But if you want to communicate with young people, you can’t ignore influencers,” says Mike.


It is important that you make it clear that this is sponsored content, so that young people can recognize this as a commercial message.

Intertoys also uses influencers. Celvin de Bie of Intertoys: “The loud commercial shouting is over. Connect with what is going on among the target group through content, including influencers and challenges.”

So using influencers still works, despite the dirty word.

Also read: TikTok presents itself on the Dutch market with an advertising branch

4. Pay attention to mental health
“Young people are vulnerable in a social media environment. This is a place that is driven by commerce and there is little supervision. Who is responsible online?”, says Nick van Hummel of the Netherlands Youth Institute .

Adults are responsible for starting a conversation about this with young people. In addition, adults can provide frameworks and balance in social media use. Nina Hoek van Dijke of Jong & Je Wil Wat : “Young people like frameworks, research shows.”

Photo by Alexander Gray on Unsplash

Tension between shortage and abundance
Another theme that causes pressure/stress among young people is the tension between shortage and abundance. Nina: “On the one hand, everything is becoming more expensive and young people are wondering whether they will be able to afford a house later. On the other hand, they think (based on what they see online) that there are easy solutions to get rich quickly. In addition, they also have the feeling that they constantly have to be useful. That is intense.”

Financial resilience
Young people and students also increasingly have debts, Babet Boswinkel and Marisja Heisterkamp show in a presentation by ABN AMRO . Few young people make an overview of expenses. On the other hand, they do have the perception that they can handle money well.

Talking about money is taboo for many young people. That is why ABN started the podcast ‘Money Secrets’ and all young people up to 30 years old in the Netherlands can use a budget coach (customer or not). The podcast is listened to well, but by a small group. That is still a challenge for the bank and raises the question of whether it wants to list of malta consumer email continue with this. With this, ABN does show that it is contributing to the social task of making young people more financially resilient.

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What responsibility do you take as a company for the mental health of young people?


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The Duck thinkers at Donald Duck
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