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Powerful & effective: a marketing plan on 1 page

Powerful & effective: a marketing plan on 1 page
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Every entrepreneur dreams of it: more customers and more turnover with less effort and budget. Countless specialists, consultants and business coaches who promise this come with extensive processes or complicated plans. In reality, the ultimate formula for success lies in a good marketing plan that fits on 1 page. I will explain to you how to make your marketing profitable with a single A4 sheet.

Those thick business plans are ready for the trash

We all know them: those thick business plans full of slick graphs, tables and endless chunks of text. In general, it is still the prevailing opinion that no entrepreneur can avoid paying a small fortune to have such a business plan drawn up. Otherwise, your company is doomed to failure in advance. The reality is of course different. The majority of entrepreneurs neatly put that beautiful business plan in a desk drawer and never look at it again.

When Australian entrepreneur and marketer Allan Dib started his first company, he had a business plan drawn up by an advisor. In his case, too, that plan disappeared unread in the bin many years later. Experience had taught him that the plan was completely worthless and that there had to be a much simpler way to come up with a success formula for a list of north korea consumer email start-up (or existing) company. He describes the result of that thought in his book A 1-page marketing plan (affiliate).

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A good marketing plan is much more useful


We all know the 80/20 rule and it certainly what is a website footer and how to use it? applies to companies. For example, 80% of the company profit almost always comes from 20% of the customers. Allan Dib supplements this with the 64/4 rule of James Schramko. This states that the majority of company results (64%) are the result of 4% of the company actions. If you want to be more successful as a company, you will have to pay more attention to the actions with the greatest success. america email list And that action is marketing.

So that business plan is nice, but a good marketing plan is more useful. And that marketing plan doesn’t have to be hundreds of pages either.

The 1-page marketing plan that Allan Dib developed consists of three main phases, which are the three stages of the marketing journey:

For (prospect) – People get to know you and express their interest.

During (lead) – People like you and buy something for the first time.
After (customer) – People trust you, buy regularly and recommend you to others.
Each main phase then consists of three subphases. As a result, the complete marketing plan contains nine areas that are also quite easy to fill in.

The Preliminary Phase: How Do You Reach People Who Don’t Know You Exist?
Before you start announcing your business to the world, it is crucial to determine who your services or products are interesting for. It is a huge misconception to think that everyone is waiting for you. Be a big fish in a small pond, and you will avoid being completely drowned out on all those overcrowded media channels.